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2.raditions and beliefs including questionable medical practices by quack doctors, faith healers, and other fake healers that hold back proper medical procedure
4.A condition that pertains to the information and awareness of a person of every disease.
5.An abnormal condition that impairs the normal functioning of an organism or body
7.Refers to the degree or severity of a disease
8.A term used to determine the measure of the number of deaths
9.Disease that are not infectious but are caused by either genetic predisposition or lifestyle-related activities
1.Includes government officials who have responsibilities regarding programs like construction of hospitals or health care centers, alleviation of poverty,and development of the community
3.Infectious disease capable of being passed from one person to another
4.Potential causes of deaths and illness depends on interactions between this and the individual
6.A condition that can be a source of illness because of the deprivation of medical attention for its high costs.

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