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Culture P. Stel 1B

Zeldie A.

1 2
    5 6

3.Having more than one culture in an area is having culture
7.Parents and kids
9.A ______ is ruled by a king or queen
1.Part free market and part command is called ______ economy
2.People who share many traits but are of diffrent ages are apart of your culture
3.When you elect leaders and rule by majority you are apart of a _____________
4.The form of a language with some differences in how you say words and how you use them is called _____
5.If you share the same culture traits such as age, language, or religion with people,you are apart of that culture _______
6.The percentage of people who can read and write in a country is the country's ________ rate
8.A HUGE family all from one ancestor is a _____

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