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Toward Independence

Mr. Smith

Word Bank
BostonMassacre, BostonTeaParty, FrenchandIndianWar, IntolerableActs, Loyalists, Patriots, Proclamationof1763, QuarteringAct, StampAct, TownshendActs, allies, boycott, militia, tyranny

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1.Americans who believed that the colonies had the right to govern themselves
3.event in 1768 where colonists made fun of British soldiers and resulted in several colonists being killed by these soldiers
4.laws passed by Parliament in 1774 designed to punish Massachusetts
5.law that required colonists to buy a stamp for every piece of paper they used
6.law that ordered colonial assemblies to provide British troops with quarters, or housing
8.laws that taxed goods imported from Britain in order to make colonists pay for the army that Britain kept in America
9.nations who join together in some common effort, such as winning a war
11.the unjust use of government power repeal to take back, or cancel, a law
12.Patriots disguised as Indians threw chests of tea overboard from three British ships to protest the tax on tea
13.a small army made up of ordinary citizens who are available to fight in an emergency
1.an order by King George III telling settlers to stay east of the Appalachian Mountains and Indians to stay west of it to keep them from killing each other
2.a war that was part of a long struggle between France and Britain over territory and power. Native Americans fought with France in this conflict
7.Americans who were faithful subjects to the king and felt a deep loyalty to Great Britain
10.to refuse to buy one or more goods from a certain source

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