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Key People and Events Relating to the Civil War

Bruce Yang

The puzzle relates to the Civil War's key figures and events that helped shape it. Each important person has descriptions of their accomplishments while each key term has its definition, both relating to the Civil War.

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4.Enforced civil rights laws and fought Ku Klux Klan violence. Encouraged passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave protection to African-American voting rights. Signed the Civil Rights Acts of 1870 and 1875 guaranteeing equal rights to African-Americans. Used the army to build the Republican Party in the South, based on black voters. Presided over the Panic of 1873, in which the economy fell into a deep economic recession.
7.The idea that the people of a specific territory or state votes for what the majority wants instead of the government. Ex: Kansas with slavery in the 1800s.
9.Loyalty to the interests of one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole. Ex: The South
10.Lost to Stephen Douglas in the Kansas-Nebraska Act debate. Issued the Emancipation Proclamation, known for ending slavery. Led the Union during the Civil War against the Confederate South. Wrote the Gettysburg Address. Signed into law included the Homestead Act, the Morrill Act, the National Banking Act, and a bill that chartered the first transcontinental railroad.
1.When Virginia seceded in April 1861, he supported the Confederacy, showing his loyalty to his state over the federal government. When he rushed his troops forward to close a gap in the line against a determined Union attack, he earned his name. Also, he was war hero and one of the South’s most successful generals during the American Civil War.
2.A person who advocated or supported the revocation of slavery in the U.S. Ex: John Brown
3.Known for his “March to the Sea”. Another widely-known as being one of the Union’s military generals like Ulysses S. Grant. Praised for his revolutionary ideas on "total warfare".
5.To separate from a nation or state and become independent Ex: The South in the Civil War
6.Was the only president of the Confederate States of America. He held the office from 1861 until the collapse of the Confederacy at the end of the Civil War, in the spring of 1865. He was later indicted for treason, though never tried, and remained a symbol of Southern pride. In the past, served as soldier in the Mexican-American War, Secretary of War, and was a U.S Senator and U.S House of Representative for Mississippi.
8.One of the most prominent figures in U.S military history. In the beginning, he served in the United States Army, serving with distinction in the Mexican-American War. As the Civil War broke out he resigned his commission and joined the forces of the South. In 1862 he was made commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, and over the next three years became famous as he led the army to a series of victories over the larger and better-equipped Union forces. He was defeated at the Battle of Gettysburg Praised by the people he fought for and known for his tactical brilliance.

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