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Alicea Biggs

Word Bank
Annual voter registration, At large elections, Citizenship restrictions, Congressional and State legislative districting, Denial of the vote to women, Gerrymandering, La Raza Unida, Literacy tests, MELA, Muralistas, PLM, Poll taxes, Single locations for voter registration, TELACU, White man’s primaries, “English Only” laws and practices

3   4  
    11                                         12

6.A system that allows election of city council and school board representatives on a citywide rather than district basis.
9.When the Supreme court ruled poll tax unconstitutional, Texas introduced a system in which voters had to register yearly and has to be done far in advance of elections.
10.A group of Latina mothers under the guidance of Monsignor John Moretta to fight the proposed construction of a state prison.
11.A system that limited voting in the Democratic primaries to whites only.
14.Many states required proficiency in the English language as voter registration.
15.Cities were underrepresented and rural areas has very disproportionate representation in Congress. Therefore, urban residents suffered from the concentration power of legislators who advocated rural interest and values.
1.The drawing of electoral district boundaries to favor one group over another.
2.Texas and many states would put registration in one place usually the courthouse. In the courthouse there were many hostile European Americans.
3.group that was involved in physical and economic improvements for Latino/a neighborhoods.
4.States and local governments in the Southwest did little to translate law/ documents.
5.Texas required payment of poll taxes($1.50-$1.75). Many political bosses would manipulate many Tejanos by paying for their poll tax.
7.Women didn't receive the right to vote till the 19th amendment (1920).
8.Law reinforced that Mexicans were from essentially of the Indian race, they could not be recognized as U.S. citizens. Due to local officials classifying Mexicans as non-whites they were not allowed to vote or run for office.
10.Artists who painted murals of social/ political messages as an effort to reunify the country post Mexican Revolution.
12.Hispanic political party that was centered around Mexican American nationalism.
13.The Mexican and Mexican American political party that supported the Mexican Revolution.

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