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7.igneous rock formed inside the Earth’s surface
8.measure of the energy released during an earthquake, which can be described using the Richter scale
10.the spot on the crust where the break occurs during an earthquake
11.a break or crack in Earth’s lithosphere along which the rocks move
13.a wave that moves through the Earth’s crust in alternating compressions and stretches
14.an opening in the Earth’s crust through which molten rock, hardened rock and gases erupt
15.shaking of ground that occurs when the movement of plates suddenly jolt the Earth
1.place where two of Earth’s tectonic plates are moving apart, associated with volcanos, earthquakes found primarily on the ocean floor
2.the theory that states that the Earth’s surface is composed of slowly moving plates
3.formed when lava cools on the Earth’s surface
4.place where two tectonic plated are moving toward each other; associated with trenches, and folded mountains
5.the point on Earth’s surface directly above the focus of an Earthquake
6.fault that occurs when two plates slide past one another
8.molten material from deep within the Earth from which igneous rocks are formed
9.a wave that transmits energy through the Earth at right angles to the path of the wave
12.magma that has been pushed to the surface of the Earth

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