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Chapter 4 section 1 - Governing the Colonies

Mr. Brady

1   2     3       4    

1.a written list of freedoms that a government promises to protect
5.to make something known to many people
6.a false spoken statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone
9.a person who writes news stories for newspapers, TV, radio and the internet
10.to officially control and lead a group of people and make decisions about laws, taxes and social programs
11.a group of people who have the power to make laws
2.to impose a tax or payment on someone
3.the right of journalists to publish the truth without restriction or penalty
4.the principle that a person cannot be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime
7.to continue to have or keep something
8.to publish a false statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone

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