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Marine Biome

Chloe Johnson, Makayla Warren, and Tracker Newberry

1 2 3
4           5        
  6 7            

4.Ecosystems with similar climates and communities
5.An adaptation that animals in the ocean usually have so they can breathe
7.An area where rivers and streams flow into the ocean
8.There’s enough sunlight for photosynthesis to occur
9.Middle layer of the ocean (2 Words)
10.Bottom layer of the ocean (2 Words)
12.An animal that usually has an external shell, soft unsegmented body, and lives in an aquatic or damp habitat
13.A larger animal in the marine biome that eats algae
1.Plants have these in their stems to help hold them up in the water (2 Words)
2.A common plant that grows in the marine biome
3.A chemical reaction that allows animals to produce their own light
6.Top layer of the ocean (2 Words)
11.This goes into the ocean because the the oceans size and it's evaporation

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