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Jefferson, Church and State


Word Bank
commemorate, commemorates, contradict, contradicts, denomination, denomination, discrimination, discrimination, disestablish, disestablishment, dissent, dissent, epitaph, epitaph, infringement, infringement, propagate, propagated, remonstrate, remonstrated

1 2               3  
7 8                      
    12   13    

2.to express opposition to the statement of (a person)
6.Another member of the council __________ that the issue was definitely NOT settled.
8.the act of designating or assigning a classifying name
10.One of the most important acts was the _____ of the Church of England from Virginia.
14.the act, or collective acts, of making invalid, unfair, or hurtful differentiations, as in prejudice against people of minority groups
15.For his __________, his widow chose words from one of his favorite poems.
16.on a gravestone or tomb, an inscription commemorating the dead person.
17.to serve as a reminder of or memorial to
18.disagreement, objection, or protest, or a spoken or written declaration thereof
19.to say in opposition, protest, or objection
20.to publicize or disseminate (a doctrine, information, or the like)
1.The stringent laws issued by the government caused strong __________, eventually erupting into anti-government demonstrations.
3.His guilty look __________ his claims of innocence.
4.Jefferson was a defender of the "natural rights" of people and sought to prevent _____ of those beliefs.
5.The founding fathers wanted to guarantee that the government would not show preference to one _____ over another.
7.The dog's __________ between the scent of its owner's clothing and that of the others was amazing to watch.
9.to withdraw governmental recognition or support of (a church)
11.Jefferson thought that it was wrong to make someone follow a religion that ____ a belief that the person did not share.
12.a violation or breaking, as of a law, rule, or contract
13.This museum __________ the victims of the Holocaust.

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