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3.founded in Atlanta in 1867 as the Augusta Institute; a former sslave and two ministers founded it for the education of African American men in the fieelds of minnistry and education
4.the time period of 1865-1877, where the rebuilding of the South took place after the Civil War
6.helped African Americans to make the transition to freedom by providing food, clothing, jobs, medicine, and medical-care facilities
7.Southerners who cooperated with African Americans and carpetbaggers
8.their goal was to punish the most extremist Southerners and to drastically change Southern culture, and to support the newly emancipated slaves to integrate into society as free people
9.defined U.S. citizenship; guaranteed that no citizen could be deprived of his/her rights without due process
10.removed restrictions on voting based on race, color, or ever having been a slave; granted the right to vote to all male U.S. citizens over the age of 21
11.impeachment charges were brought up against this president because he ignored laws passed by the Radical Republicans to limit his presidential powers; he was not reemoved from office
12.this group goal was to terrorize African Americans throughout the Southern states to keep them inferior legally, economically, and politically.
13.Northerners who came to the South to help the former slaves and to make money
14.inn which black families would rent small plots of land inn return for a portion of their crop, to be given to the landowner at the end of each year.
1.both President Lincoln and Johnson's goal was designed not to punish the southern states for seceding from the Union but to reinstate the southern states back in the Union without much change to southern culture.
2.the abolishment of slavery in the U.S.
5.a series of restrictive laws which were designed to restrict freed blacks' activity and ensure their availability as a labor force now that slavery had been abolished

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