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2017-HR-People-Module-Crossword #2

Karen Burton

Helpful for those preparing for SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP Certification Exams

1 2

3.Process by which an organization generates a pool of qualified job applicants
4.Special incidental payments, benefits, or privileges given to individual employees, over and above their regular rewards
6.Process by which an organization seeks out candidates and encourages them to apply for job openings
8.Process of evaluating the most suitable candidates for a position
9.Process by which employees are provided with the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) specific to a task or job
10.Payments in return for the achievement of specific, time-limited, targeted objectives
11.HR function that acts on the organizational human capital needs identified through workforce planning and attempts to provide an adequate supply of qualified individuals to complete the body of work necessary for the organization's financial success
1.Assessment tools that provide candidates a wide range of situations and problem-solving exercises, including in-basket tests, financial or business data analysis, group discussions, interview simulations, role plays, and psychological inventories
2.Process by which new employees become familiar with the organization and with their specific department, coworkers and job
5.Ability of an organization to keep its employees
7.System that shows preference to employees with the longest service

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