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1 2
3   4 5  
10                 11        
15                     16    

6.large flat areas of the ocean floor
7.underwater volcanic structures that rises out of abyssal plain
9.the region of the seafloor found at the bottom of the continental slope
10.divisions of the ocean based on factors that affect living organisms such as sunlight, temperature, and pressure
13.the amount of dissolved solids in water
14.the area after the continental shelf where the ocean suddenly deepens
15.a gigantic mountain system made up of mountain ranges from each of the oceans
17.the movement of cold water upward from the deep ocean that is caused by wind
1.the process of sending out sound waves to be reflected back off objects that allows scientists to determine the location and shape of underwater objects
2.the gentle slope of the ocean basin near the coastline of the continents
3.life zone that extends from the continental slope down to a depth of about 6,000 meters
4.divisions of the open-ocean zone that begins at the continental slope and extends down about 2,000 meters
5.deep underwater valleys where oceanic plates come together
6.division of the open-ocean zone that extends from a depth of about 2,000 meters down to a depth of 6,000 meters and covers the large, flat plains of the ocean
8.the life zone that extends from the low tide line to the edge of the continental shelf
11.the area that lies between the low tide and the high tide lines
12.scientist who studies the oceans and their characteristics, life forms etc.
13.be dissolved in another substance having the ability to
16.a seamount that has worn away by waves and has a flat top

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