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Carpenter's Tool Box Terms

Mr G . Bowman

NAME:____________________________________ DATE :___


Word Bank
general carpenters :, girder:, grit:, hardwood:, kerf:, kickback:, manufactured sheet products, miter box:, miter joint:, mortise:, plumb:, radial arm saw:, rip cut:, rough carpenter:, router:, stud:

3             4          
8     9                      
    11 12

2.A sudden, uncontrolled movement of a machine, tool, or other device, as on starting or in striking an obstruction
3.A cut which runs through the length of a board parallel to the grain. (2 Words)
4.A vertical element that is perfectly perpendicular to a level surface.
7.A joint made from pieces cut on an angle. (2 Words)
8.A carpenter who does the “rough skeletal” work of making frames for the studs, joists, and rafters; forms used for foundation walls; concrete footings; and retaining walls. (2 Words)
10.A 2x4 or 2x6 vertical framing member used to assemble wall
14.An apparatus to guide a saw to make miter joints. (2 Words)
15.Carpenters who are jacks-of-all-trades, skilled in both rough and finish work. (3 Words)
1.: Man-made sheet building products such as plywood, waferboard and its stronger counterpart, oriented-strand board (OSB), particleboard, medium-density fiberboard (MDF), and hardboard. (3 Words)
3.A circular saw that runs on an overhead track, where the track mechanism swings in relation to the table to make miter cuts. (3 Words)
5.A large beam of wood or steel which acts as the principal support for loads along its span.
6.A high-speed cutting and shaping tool with handles and an adjustable base with a collet that accepts profile bits to cut dados, rabbets, or shapes.
9.The grade of particles in sandpaper or sharpening stones which determines the aggressiveness of the cut.
11.The width of a saw cut, determined by the thickness and set of the blade.
12.Lumber from the group of trees with broad leaves. The name itself does not denote the actual hardness of the wood.
13.A cavity or hole cut to allow a tenon to pass through to make a joint.

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