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Revolution through Imperialism

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9 10        
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      16 17  

1.The dominant country _________ resources from the other country.
3.___________: When a country conquers and rules another country or territory.
4.In revolutions, people were tired of being taken advantage of by the rich and _____.
6.People believed that the __________ should work for everyone, not just the rich.
13.Social system where rich landowners allow the vassals, or peasants, to work their land in exchange for rent and protection.
14.Nobility; small, rich, ruling group of men.
15.Storming of the ________.
18.Over time, traits from the dominant country are _________ (taken, given) by the weaker country.
1.Revolutions were inspired by _____________ thinkers.
2.The Industrial Revolution upgraded from a different system to the ______ system.
5.What estate was the nobility in? (word form of the number)
7.Who was the king of France at the time of the revolution? ____ XVI...
8.The Industrial Revolution switched from the ________ system to a different system.
9.Colonialism is a form of ___________.
10.Period of time where new power sources were discovered, and factories were built. ___________ revolution...
11.Public _________ became more popular in the Industrial Revolution, and people became smarter.
12.________ Revolution; people were tired of paying taxes to a king 3,000 miles away.
16.A period of time where 16,000-40,000 people were executed; reign of ______.
17.What did the first estate consist of? (the 1 percent)

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