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Excel 1.05-1.09

Morgan C.

1 2
8       9  
10   11       12    
20                         21

3.To apply a rule that will highlight numbers greater than 50,000 in a range, what formatting style should you use?
6.Which dialog box do you use to set the rotation of text in a cell to a specific degree?
14.If you wanted your text to be angled at 90 degrees, what alignment option should you use?
16.To outline the cell range, what formatting style could you select?
17.What command do you use to insert information into a worksheet that will display at the top and bottom edges of the printed pages?
18.What quick-number style formats numbers to display as currency in a worksheet?
19.On the home ribbon, what do you use to change the font sizes?
20.To repeat row 1 on every page of a printout, what page setup option should you use?
23.If a column contains regional sales, what format should you use?
24.On the home ribbon, what will change the text color
25.To apply the title format to the data in a row, what formatting style could you select?
1.What does ##### mean?
2.What is the blank portions that fall outside the main body of the printed document?
4.What command on the insert ribbon creates a link to a web page
5.What command on the home ribbon would apply a background color to cells?
7.What command will allow you to format a cell quickly by choosing from a defined list?
8.What command on the home ribbon joins selected cells into one and centers the content
9.What command group on the page layout ribbon controls the presence of gridlines and headings on a worksheet?
10.What dialog box contains commands to specify an exact date and time format to use for a selected cell?
11.What command will reduce the margin between the border and text in an indented cell?
12.If you do not want someone to see a particular column in your spreadsheet, what could you do?
13.To view a row while scrolling through a big spreadsheet, what could you do?
15.If a column contains employee ID number or a Social Security number, what format would be most appropriate?
21.If all text is not showing in cellB8, what could correct the problem?
22.This defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, etc

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