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4.a subdivision of an act; usually, a scene indicates a specific location or time, and changes if another location or time is supposed to be presented. A scene usually ends when all the characters in the scene leave the stage.
5.A major section of a play, similar to a chapter in a book; an act is usually made up of several scenes
7.a description (as of a character or setting) or direction (as to indicate stage business) provided in the text of a play, usually indicated with italics and/or parentheses
8.a character or group in a drama who speaks the prologue and epilogue and comments on the action
9.a minor character who doesn’t have many or any lines; usually, extras don’t have names, but are identified by what they do (“servant,” “boy,” “policeman”)
1.when an actor is pretending to be someone else
2.A speech or discussion presented in a very straight-forward manner that is designed to convey information or explain what is difficult to understand
3.when an actor abruptly stops acting, or “falls out” of character; this can ruin the audience's suspension of disbelief
6.A stage direction – tells the character(s) to come onto the stage. Often includes a direction (left or right) or additional information about how characters are to enter the scene.
9.A stage direction – tells the character(s) to leave the stage and the scene. Often includes a direction (left or right) or additional information about how characters are to leave the scene.

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