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CH 8: Reforming America's Society

Name: ________________________________________


2.The Underground Railroad was a complex, constantly changing network of ______________ used to help enslaved people escape to freedom. (2 Words)
4.Born into slavery, this great writer and speaker escaped to the North, where he worked to achieve the freedom of slaves through nonviolent means. (2 Words)
6.As the publisher of The Liberator, this man was one of the first white Americans to demand the immediate freeing of slaves.
7.Religious people in the North saw slavery as a clear ____________ that went directly against their beliefs. (2 Words)
8.Harriett Tubman was one of the most famous conductors of the ____________; she helped over 300 people escape slavery, including her family. (2 Words)
9.Ralph Waldo Emerson formulated a new philosophy, known as ____________, that emphasized the value of the simple life and the truth found in nature.
11.This man was captured, tried, convicted, and hanged for his part in a slave rebellion. (2 Words)
13.Many ________ would try to reach the free states of the north or Canada or Mexico where slavery was illegal. (2 Words)
15.The 2nd Great Awakening was a broad religious movement led by ______ and his contemporaries. (3 Words)
17.This free African American took the extreme position of encouraging slaves to fight for freedom rather than to wait for God or slave owners to end slavery. (2 Words)
20.The abolition movement had deep roots in this.
21.An example of the economic limits placed on women in the 1800’s was that single women were expected to turn over their earnings to the ___________.
22.Women were considered _________to men was a widely held view in the 1800’s.
23.This term combines a root that means "before" with one that means "war" but is usually used specifically to mean "before the American Civil War."
24.People who helped slaves escape on the Underground Railroad used a design that gave a message to escapees by weaving ________.
25.Early efforts to reform encountered opposition over the use of taxes to fund public schools.
1.The religious movement that swept the nation shortly after 1790 is known as the________________________. (3 Words)
3.nslaved African-Americans and white people in the South worshipped in the same churches while in the East, African-Americans formed the African _________________ church that would become the political, cultural and social center for them. (2 Words)
5.This term means "a setting free." It's an antonym for restraint or enslavement.
10.Dorothea Dix persuaded nine Southern states to establish public hospitals for the ______________ (2 Words)
12.Not being able to vote, nor holding ________ as well as not being able to enter into contracts were among the legal limits placed on women in the 1800’s. (2 Words)
14.Some enslaved people worked as blacksmiths, bricklayers, or even carpenters while some worked in mines or in the forests as _________.
16.____________ was one of most famous efforts to establish a utopian community, one in which life would be perfect for everyone. (2 Words)
18.In general, this term means "a complete doing away with," which is how it came to be the name of the movement to outlaw slavery.
19.This prevented congressional discussion of antislavery petitions between 1836 and 1844. (2 Words)

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