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The Cask of Amontillado

Kristen Crose


1.Montresor narrates his tale form 50 years in the future. His boastful confession to the reader shows he has gotten away with the _______ ________. (2 words)
4.Montresor's plan of deception playes out amidst the backdrop of what mad, raucus, and caotic Venetian festival?
8.The veins of nitre become more heavily threaded in the walls of the tunnels and begin to look like the ____ of a spider.
9.The narrator shows a hint at what the insult Montresor wishes to revenge may have been when he is unable to recognize a gesture Fortunato makes from what well known secret brotherhood?
10.Even as the last brick is put into place, Fortunato plays the fool in his sheer inhebriated disbelief at what his friend is doing, and shouts for Montresor to stop this _______.
11."Nemo me impune lacessit." or "No one wounds me with impunity." is the Montresor family _______.
12.Montresor continually shows how foolish Fortunato is each time he feigns conscern for Fortunato and his cough, and says he should fetch Fortunato's rival ________ to tast the Amontillado instead.
14.Montresor feels he has been insulted beyond forgivness and must seek ________.
15.The prize Montresor tells Fortunato is at the end of the tunnels is what extravagantly expensive type of wine?
16.Montresor finally leads Fortunato into an area of the catacombs where he has prepared by removing half a wall stacked with skeletons. This is the Montresors' family_______.
2.Montresor shows what a master manipulatior he is when he tells his servants to stay put while he is out all night, knowing they will dissappear the moment he leaves. He has used what technique? (2 words)
3.Montresor leads Fortunato to his wine vault through the tunnels below his house, into the __________ below the city.
5.As they progress further into the tunnels below, the walls become more heavily veined with this mineral.
6.Fortunato is dressed in motley with striped tights and a coned hat with jingly bells. With this dress as symbol, the narrator is calling Fortunato a _______.
7.The cask of Amontillado symbolizes Fortunato's ______. As he is being led to his death through the lure of drink.
9.The narration of 'The Cask of Amontillado is that of a first person narrative as told by the protagonist ___________.
13.The whole feel of this gothic short story plays out like the children's tale containing this quote, "'Come into my web.' said the _____ to the fly."

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