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Lighting Terms A



1.A Cable which allows two or more types of electrical connectors to be connected together
4.International Association of Lighting Designers
6.sound equipment that converts the low voltage, low current signal from a tape deck, mixer etc. into a higher current signal suitable for driving speakers
7.American National Standards Institute
8.Acronym for AirCraft Landing Light. A type of high intensity Par lamp that derives its name from its use as an aircraft landing lamp. The true ACL is 28V and 250W, although there are many variations. The lamp has a very tight beam
1.Metal frame in which counterweights are carried in a flying system
2.That area within the performance space within which the actor may move in full view of the audience. (2 Words)
3.the standard unit for measurement of electrical current passing through a circuit. Cables, fuses and switches are designated by their current carrying capacity.If a cable rated at 20 Amps is used with a load of 30 Amps, the cable will overheat and possibly catch fire
5.Lighting bar positioned just downstage of the proscenium arch

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