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The Americas and Islands of the Pacific

Dr. Reimer


1.A typical Maya city-state. At its peak in the eighth century, Copan had a population of 18,000-20,000 divided into sharply demarcated groups; the ruling family, the nobility, ordinary people and slaves
4.(1932-2010) Native of Satawal Island in the Caroline Islands, who studied traditional Polynesian Navigation as a child and successfully guided a reconstructed double hulled canoe from Hawai’i to Tahiti in 1976 (2 Words)
5.one of the few surviving sources in the Mayan language, this oral epic features a series of hip ballgames between the gods and human beings. Originally written in Mayan glyphs, it was recorded in the Roman alphabet in the 1500’s (2 Words)
6.the region that includes the southern two-thirds of modern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica
8.named for a site in Melanesia, a low-fired brown pottery with lines and geometric decorations made with a pointed instrument. In use between 1500 and 1000 B.C.E., it reveals the direction of migration in the Pacific. (2 Words)
13.the first northern people (800-1450) to build large urban centers in the Mississippi River Valley (2 Words)
15.A Calendar that ran cumulatively, starting from a day equivalent to August 11 3114 B.C.E., and continuing to the present. Came in to use in the Fifth and Fourth centuries B.C.E. when inscriptions of Bars and dots showed different calendar units. (2 Words)
16.The largest city in the Americas before 1500, covering 8 square miles (20 sq. km.) located some 30 miles (50 km.) northeast of modern-day Mexico City. Was occupied from around 200 B.C.E. to 650 B.C.E. and had an estimated population at hit height of 40,000-2000, 000.
1.The Earliest complex society (3100-1800 B.C.E.) in the Americas, whose main urban center was located at Carnal in modern-day Peru, in the Andes
2.A sailing vessel made by connecting two canoes with a rope or wooden frame. Used by the ancestors of modern Polynesians for ocean voyages, capable if 100-150 miles (160-240 km) (2 Words)
3.An imaginary triangle with sides 4,000 miles (6,500 km) long linking Hawai’i, Easter Island, and New Zealand containing several thousand islands. (2 Words)
7.Traditional Polynesian system of navigation that used the stars, clouds, waves, and bird flight patterns to steer on the sea voyages
9.the name for the 887 statues, probably of ancestral leaders made from tufa volcanic rock and erected on Easter Island around 1000. The largest are more than 70 feet (21 Meters) high and the heaviest weight 270 Tons
10.Andean complex society (1200-200 B.C.E.) in modern-day Peru; best known for its temples and large stone sculptures of animals
11.A naturally occurring volcanic glass used by different peoples in the Americas to make fine art objects, dart tips, and knife blades sharper than modern scalpels. The most important good treaded by the Maya.
12.A complex society (1200-1400 B.C.E.) that arose on the Gulf of Mexico coast from Modern-day Veracruz to Tabasco. Known particularly for the massive colossal heads hewn from basalt.
14.indigenous people living in modern-day Yucatan, Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala; their complex society reached its height during the classic period, when they used a fully developed written language.

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