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History of England from English kings to Tudors.

Oksana Barysheva

History of England in the names of kings and queens.


5.was made Archbishop of Canterbury by EDGAR (959 – 975) as well as his personal adviser
9.the first monarch to establish a stable and extensive rule over all of Anglo-Saxon England (827 – 839)
10.The daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, she was a remarkable woman, noted for her learning and wisdom.The Spanish Armada was decisively defeated, Raleigh’s first Virginian colony was founded, Shakespeare was also at the height of his popularity. She was never married.
11.He was beaten by the Scots at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314
12.defeated a combined army of Scots, Celts, Danes and Vikings, claiming the title of King of all Britain. (924 – 939)
14.was a very weak king and the whole country was almost destroyed by the constant raids by the Scots and the Welsh (1135-1154)
15.He united the two warring houses, York and Lancaster, During his reign playing cards were invented and the portrait of his wife Elizabeth has appeared eight times on every pack of cards for nearly 500 years. His name was HENRY. What was his surname?
16.presided over the rebuilding of Westminster Abbey, died childless, so England was faced with a power struggle for control of the throne.(1042-1066)
17.He founded both Eton College and King’s College, Cambridge. In his reign the Wars of the Roses began.
1.In 1085 he began the Domesday Survey and all of England was recorded, so he knew exactly what his new kingdom contained and how much tax he could raise in order to fund his armies.
2.He reigned for 50 years.His ambition to conquer Scotland and France plunged England into the Hundred Years War. During his reign the outbreak of bubonic plague, the ‘Black Death’, killed half the population of England.
3.united the kingdoms of Wessex and Mercia. Scottish King Constantine II recognised him as “father and lord” (899 – 924)
4.established Saxon Christian rule over first Wessex, and then on to most of England, he founded a permanent army and an embryonic Royal Navy, he began the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. (871 – 899)
6.How many wives did HENRY THE VIII have?
7.14th October 1066, the battle meant the end of the English Anglo-Saxon kings and the beginning of the Normans.
8.Although crowned King of England, he spent all but 6 months of his reign abroad. His nickname was The Lionheart,
13.The country was plunged into a bitter blood bath, that is why she is remembered by this nickname. Her name was Mary, she was HENRY VIII daughter.

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