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Coles and Symes Chapter 10 Puzzle



3.The epidemic of bubonic plague that ravaged Europe, Asia, and North Africa in the fourteenth century, killing one third to one half of the population.
4.(1254–1324) Venetian merchant who traveled through Asia for twenty years and published his observations in a widely read memoir.
7.A period of terrible hunger and deprivation in Europe that peaked between 1315 and 1317, caused by a cooling of the climate and by the exhaustion of over-farming. It is estimated to have reduced the population of Europe by 10 to 15 percent.
10.(1337–1453) A series of wars between England and France, fought mostly on French soil and prompted by the territorial and political claims of English monarchs.
11.During his pontificate (1294–1303), repeated claims to papal authority were challenged by King Philip IV of France. When Boniface died in 1309 (at the hands of Philip's thugs), the French king moved the papal court from Rome to the French city of Avignon, where it remained until 1378.
1.Maritime city on Italy's northwestern coast, active in trading ventures along the Silk Road and in the establishment of trading colonies in the Mediterranean. They were also involved in the world of finance and backed the commercial ventures of other powers, especially Spain's.
2.Refers both to the Jews' exile in Babylon during the sixth century b.c.e. and the period from 1309 to 1378, when papal authority was subjugated to the French crown and the papal court was moved from Rome to the French
5.these special charts were invented by medieval mariners during the fourteenth century and were used to map locations of ports and sea routes, while also taking note of prevailing winds and other conditions at sea.
6.(c. 1167–1227) "Oceanic Ruler," the title adopted by the Mongol chieftain Temujin, founder of a dynasty that conquered much of southern Asia.
8.A sacred rite. In the Catholic tradition, the administration of which is considered necessary for salvation.
9.A city in southeastern France that became the seat of the papacy between 1305 and 1377

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