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History of Science Final Puzzle 2



4.Most famous of the 12th C cathedral schools; it’ s right portal is sculpted with philosophers
7.The outer-most sphere added to the model of the universe by Christian scholars; Served as the home for the angels L259
10.First to offer comprehensive interpretation of Aristotle’s philosophy in Western Christendom; often regarded as father of Christian Aristotelianism L237
12.Scholar-teacher, later becomes Pope Sylvester II (reigned 999-1003) G159
13.Central figure in a circle of scholars interested in contemporary theological, ecclesiastical, and (where relevant) scientific and philosophical issues L196
14.Carolingian Emperor who ordered the establishment of cathedral schools L196
19.One of two groups of new religious orders who studied theology while teaching philosophy in the 13th century L232
21.Translated at least 78 Arabic and Greek works into Latin during the 12th century G160
23.Capital of the Umayyid dynasty in Spain, this city had a library said to contain 400,000 volumes
24.the scholarly and artistic revival Charlemagne founded, that was a short lived ersatz Roman Empire G42
25.Medieval medical theory said that every person had a distinctive ________, or temperament, determined by the balance of the four elements and their qualities of hot/cold and wet/dry L336
26.Issued this number of propositions in Condemnation of 1277; greatly enlarged list of philosophical and theological theses, the teaching of which could be grounds for excommunication L246
1.Spanish Muslim (ibn Rushd) who presented more authentic reading of Aristotle and wrote commentaries on Aristotelian works L228
2.Leader of the radical Aristotelianism movement in the 13th century; Sought to teach philosophy without recognizing theology L244
3.Medieval globes were divided into five _____, or climate zones, two frigid, two temperate, and
5.Averroes is known as “The _________”;Displaced commentaries of Avicenna; presented return to more authentic, less Platonized version of Aristotelian philosophy L228
6.Religious order who studied theology while teaching philosophy in the 13th century; members of this order followed the example of Saint Francis of Assisi L232
8.Handheld instrument consisting of a graduated circle and a sighting rule that allowed observations of the altitude of a star or planet and a set of circular brass plates that fit into a brass body; child of Heloise and Abelard L263
9.institutions of general education founded in the tenth through twelfth centuries in many cities G159
11.Bishop of Paris in the late 13th century; Key figure in the condemnation of philosophy without theological implications and specifically Aristotle’s works L246-247
15.begins with an etymological explanation of the animal’s name, the animals distinctive physical characteristics, followed by an account of unusual or interesting behavior and a description of admirable and regrettable character traits L354
16.a Law of Economy “the world in which motion is not an existing thing is a more economical world, because there are fewer things in it; L298
17.Author of “ De Materia Medica” , a 1st C pharmaceutical guide L185
18.The most famous of the Arab (ibn Sina) commentators (Platonic slant) associated with scholars that expounded and interpreted the Greek material, to the great benefit to later European intellectuals; author of Canon of Medicine G101
20.Wrote source book Sic et non in which he assembled conflicting opinions of church fathers on a series of theological questions L208
21.Arabic author to whom many works in alchemy are attributed in the 9th century L291
22.here the translations from the Arabic that influenced medical activity in the 12th Century transformed medical instruction and medical practice throughout Europe L329

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