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HR - Workplace Terms - Crossword #2 of 2 (2019)

Karen Burton

For practice of HR Terms dealing with the Workplace


2.Process by which an organization contracts with third-party vendors to provide selected services/activities instead of hiring new employees.
3.Process by which employees returning from international assignments reintegrate into their home country's culture, conditions, and employment.
10.Process by which a retirement benefit becomes nonforfeitable.
11.Reporting of an organization's violations of policies and processes by employees.
12.Method by which an organization relocates its processes or production to an international location through subsidiaries or third-party affiliates.
1.Practice of purchasing and using resources wisely by balancing economic, social, and environmental concerns, with the goal of securing the interests of present and future generations.
4.Relocation of business processes or production to a lower-cost location inside the same country as the business.
5.Rule or order issued by an administrative agency of government, which usually has the force of law.
6.Uncertainty that has an effect on an objective, where outcomes may include opportunities, losses, and threats.
7.Any fixed, recurring period of 168 consecutive hours (7 days times 24 hours = 168 hours).
8.Process by which an organization moves an employee out of an international assignment; can involve moving back to the home country, moving to a different global location, or moving to a new location or position in the current host country.
9.Extent to which each person in an organization feels welcomed, respected, supported, and valued as a team member.
10.Action of rejecting a bill or statute.

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