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HR - Organization Terms - Crossword (2019)

Karen Burton

For practice of HR Terms dealing with the Organization


5.Action of an employer to shut down operations to prevent employees from working.
6.Conversion of data into a format that protects or hides its natural presentation or intended meaning.
8.Broad statement that reflects an organization's philosophy, objectives, or standards concerning a particular set of management or employee activities.
9.Method of nonbinding dispute resolution by which a neutral third party tries to help disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable decision; also called mediation.
12.Method of nonbinding dispute resolution by which a neutral third party tries to help disputing parties reach a mutually agreeable decision; also called conciliation.
13.Act of reorganizing the legal, ownership, operational, or other structures of an organization.
14.Software and/or hardware that filters incoming and outgoing communication according to preset rules.
15.Method of dispute resolution by which disputing parties agree to be bound by the decision of one or more impartial persons to whom they submit their dispute for final determination.
16.Way an organization groups jobs to coordinate work.
1.Representations of real situations; give organizations the opportunity to speculate as to what would happen if certain courses of action were pursued.
2.Act of deliberately accessing computer data without permission.
3.Termination of employment of individual employees or groups of employees for reasons other than performance, for example, economic necessity or restructuring; also known as reduction in force (RIF).
4.Arrangement in which an enterprise and a vendor share different tasks within a larger complex, often strategic responsibility.
7.Form of corporate governance that requires a typical management board and a supervisory board and that allows management and employees to participate in strategic decision making.
8.Positioning of employees at a place of work targeted for the action for the purpose of protest.
10.Act of replacing employees leaving an organization; attrition or loss of employees.
11.Refers to the extent to which rules, policies, and procedures govern the behavior of employees in an organization.

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