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AP Chapter 21

Dr. Reimer

Name: ________________________________


4.Government-Sponsored team led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore a route through Native American territory to the Pacific. The Expedition also documented plants and animals. (4 Words)
7.A Polynesian High Priest who contributed his expert navigational skills to Captain James Cooks first Pacific Voyage.
8.Swedish founder if the modern systems of botany and zoology. The basics of his classification system are still in use. (2 Words)
9.Eighteenth century European rulers who sought to systematically apply enlightenment ideals to the administration of government. (2 Words)
10.Skilled theoretical and experimental scientist who did more than anyone to create a new, systematic architecture for science by stating the universal law of gravitation. Also, one of the inventors of differential calculus, he undertook extensive experiments with optics that led to much more powerful telescopes. (2 Words)
12.European Philosophical movement of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that stressed the use of reason, rather than the authority of ancient philosophers or religious leaders, in descriptions of society and the natural world.
13.A collection of the works of all the great Enlightenment thinkers that promoted a new form of universal knowledge based on reason and the critical use of human intellect.
15.An English Author and reformer who advocated equality of rights for women (2 Words)
16.Economic philosophy attributed to Scottish Enlightenment thinker Adam Smith, who argued that businesses and nations benefit from a free market where each party seeks to maximize its comparative economic advantage. (2 Words)
17.The pen name of Francois-Marie Arouet, one of the most prominent Enlightenment writers who used satire to critique the irrationality of French Society.
18.French scientist, mathematician, and philosopher who developed the deductive method of reasoning (moving from general principles to particular facts.) (2 Words)
19.Philosopher who applied Bacon’s inductive reasoning to the study of politics and argued that a stable social order is based on a contract between the rulers and ruled and requires the safeguarding of “life, liberty, and property.” (2 Words)
1.Survey begun by the British in the late 1790s to plot the entire Indian Subcontinent on a mathematically precise grid. The survey was a prelude to the expansion of Britain’s Indian Empire. (3 Words)
2.Society founded in 1788 by Joseph Banks to sponsor Geographical expeditions to Africa and chart the course of the Niger River, a feat achieved by Mungo Park. (2 Words)
3.the lack of an accurate way to determine a ship’s position on an east-west axis. English cabinetmaker John Harrison’s invention of an accurate shipboard chronometer solved the problem. (3 Words)
5.English Botanist on Captain Cook’s first Voyage in the Pacific, who categorized different species of plants and brought them back to England. Also established the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew (2 Words)
6.French intellectuals who promoted Enlightenment principles.
11.English politician, essayist, and philosopher who argued that with inductive reasoning—working from observation of natural phenomena to larger truths. (3 Words)
14.British Sea Captain whose three voyages to the Pacific greatly expanded European knowledge of the region. Regarded as A great National Hero by the British public., he was killed in an altercation with Hawai’ian Islanders in 1779. (2 Words)

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