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US History - Revolutionary Period

Mr. Gorr

Overview of period from French-Indian War to End of the Revolutionary War.

Word Bank
Boston, CommonSense, Continental, Cornwallis, Correspondence, France, FrenchIndianWar, George, Inflation, Intolerable, Jefferson, JohnAdams, Lexington, Loyalists, NewYork, OliveBranch, Patriots, PaulRevere, Pontiac, Proclamation, Repeal, Representation, RightsandGrievances, Saratoga, SonsofLiberty, Stamp, Sugar, Townshend, TreatyofParis, Trenton, Unalienable, ValleyForge, Washington, Yorktown, egalitarianism


5.Believe in the equality of all people.
6.This colonial victory was a turning point in the war that convinced British troops to stay closer to the coast and not venture inland too far.
11."No taxation without _______" became a rallying cry in the colonies by people frustrated that they didn't have a say in where their tax money was going
13._______ of 1763 was passed by Britain and prevented colonists from moving west into "newly won" territories.
16.Organization created by Samuel Adams that led protests against new taxes and Britain.
19.British General who eventually surrendered.
21.What was the name for the "colonial" war between France and Britain that started in 1754? (Called the 7 Years War in Europe)
22.Northern city associated with 1770 Massacre and 1773 Tea Party. Seen as the centerpiece of outward colonial resistance.
23.1783 agreement that gave the land east of the Mississippi River to the colonists and rewarded Spain and France for their help.
26."Natural" or ______ Rights that all humans are born with. (Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness)
29.Native American leader who sided with France in hopes of bettering future for his people.
30.Organized a network of riders to warn colonists that the "British were coming!"
31.Location of of final battle of American Revolution where Cornwallis was surrounded by Washington and the newly arrived French Fleet.
32.Indirect tax that followed Stamp Tex that taxed glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. Sparked British BOYCOTT across the colonies.
33.Massachusetts lawyer who pushed hard for Independence.
1.In reaction to the Tea Party, the King imposed the Coercive Acts, the colonists called them ______.
2.This Declaration came in reaction to the Stamp Tex and stated that Parliament did NOT have the right to tax the colonies.
3.Which country came down the Ohio River Valley and challenged Virginia's holding near modern day Pittsburgh, PA?
4.Colonial army spent a terrible winter here in 1777-78, but trained hard and became a stronger fighting force.
6.This act was the first of the new taxes that frustrated American colonists by taxing molasses and curbing smuggling.
7.After narrowly escaping New York, Washington desire for a victory prompted the famous crossing of the Delaware River to sneak attack German Hessians on Christmas 1776. It would be called the Battle of ______.
8.Popular 1st name among leaders in 18th century. (King of England, Prime Minister Grenville, and Colonial War Hero)
9.These Committees of _______ worked efficiently to spread anti-British propaganda throughout the colonies.
10.This act was probably to most upsetting to colonists because it taxes all paper, documents, licences, etc and it was really hard to avoid...
12.Thomas Paine penned this popular pamphlet that argued that independence was "America's Destiny!"
14.Also called Tories, these colonists supported Britain during the war.
15.This petition in 1775 appealed to Britain for a return the "former harmony" between the two countries.
17.Who was the British Colonial military leader sent to deal with the conflict in the Ohio River Valley?
18.Washington's escape/retreat from this northern city as a debacle, but critical for the later successes in the war.
19.The 2nd _________________ Congress organized the army, chose G. Washington to lead it, and eventually wrote and passed the Declaration of Independence
20.Term used to describe those colonists who supported war against Britain. (Also called Whigs)
24.The first violent conflict between the colonists and the British military came at _______ Green while the British were headed to Concord to take colonial weapons.
25.This quiet Virginian aristocrat/planter was chosen to write the Declaration Independence.
27.When the colonial government reacted to a struggling economy by printing more money, it created _______.
28.Term used to describe the cancellation of the Stamp Tex

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