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Ch. 19 Roosevelt & the New Deal Quiz Review


Using your Chapter 19 Lessons 1, 2, & 3 Notes (L1 - The First New Deal; L2 - The Second New Deal; L3 - New Deal Coalition) complete the crossword puzzle quiz review. At the end of each clue you will see either L1, L2, or L3 this will help direct you to which lesson of notes you will find the answer if you need assistance.


2.Republican President from 1928 – 1932 who was blamed for the Great Depression (First and Last name) - L1
4.FDR’s attempt to have six more Supreme Court Justices added is referred to as this (2 words) - L3
9.Winner of the 1932 and 1936 elections (Last Name only) - L1
10.Critics of this political party which was also FDR's political party felt that the New Deal programs did not go far enough to help the poor - L2
12.FDR’s response to banking disaster led to all banks throughout the country being shut down so they could be assessed. This shut down period was referred to as a… (2 words) - L1
15.Name used to refer to the programs and agencies he created to rectify the causes of the Great Depression (2 words) - L1
18.This program was put into place in order to insure bank customers' money. This agency still exists today! (4 words) - L1
21.Government practice of spending borrowed money rather than raising taxes, usually in an attempt to boost the economy (2 words) - L2
23.Program that provided jobs to young single men who had the job of building roads, grooming beaches and parks (3 words) - L1
24.This agency was was created to regulate the stock market and stop fraud, and it still exists today (4 words) - L1
1.This program paid farmers not to grow certain crops, livestock, and dairy products (3 words) - L1
3.An economic downturn - L3
5.This form of protest was used by automobile factory workers as they stayed in their workplace and refused to move (3 words) - L2
6.U.S. Senator of Louisiana and critic of FDR who proposed the “Share the Wealth” Program (First and Last Name) - L2
7.The Fair Labor Standards Act set minimum wage per hour to what amount? (3 words) - L3
8.This program employed the most people during the Great Depression as it not only provided construction jobs like public buildings but also jobs in the arts like musicians, writers, and muralists (3 words) - L2
11.The ….. Act help to protect workers’ rights so they could negotiate for better wages and benefits - L2
13.Program that still exists today which provides support to the elderly, disabled, and unemployed (3 words) - L2
14.First name FDR’s wife who acted as his eyes, ears, and legs as she went around the nation assessing how to improve it - L1
16.Critics of this political party felt that the federal (national) government had gained too much power over businesses - L2
17.Radio broadcasts made by Roosevelt to the American people to explain his initiatives (2 words) - L1
19.Critic who believed the federal government should pay citizens over age 60 a pension of 200 a month and would have to spend the entire check each month. (First and Last Name) - L2
20.Critic of FDR who believed that the national government should take over banks (Last Name only) - L2
22.The number of Supreme Court Justices that serve our nation - L3

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