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Bible Unit 3

Word Bank
Absolute, Biblical Ethics, Compromise, Cultural moral relativism, Ethics, Individual moral relativism, Individual moral relativism, Moral Absolutes, Morality, Relativism


2.(three words)The belief that right and wrong change from person to person. (3 Words)
7.A value or principle which is regarded as universally valid or which may be viewed without relation to other things
8.(there words)The belief that right and wrong change from culture to culture (3 Words)
10.The doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist in relation to culture, society, or historical content, and are not absolute. Focus: Human desires/feelings
1.The belief that those who hold to differing beliefs have the right to agree to disagree and should seek to discuss any differences with civility, respect, and appropriate behavior. Each party has the right to evaluate, discern, and accept/reject the opposing view without ridicule or the pressure to compromise. If I am a follower of Christ, I should act with a discerning mind of Christ that seeks to bring honor to God and displays a respectful manner in words and actions for the person and/or his/her viewpoint. (3 Words)
3.The belief that moral rules/standards exists that are true for all people, at all times, in all situations.(two words) (2 Words)
4.A personal choice to accept an idea that is not aligned or violates God’s authority, character, or absolute standards
5.(two words) The code of conduct that seeks to understand and demonstrate what the whole Bible teaches about the acts, attitudes, and personal character traits that receive God’s approval and which ones do not. (2 Words)
6.Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior
9.The study of why and how we make moral choices.

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