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Exam 2 to a T

Dr. Shearer

all terms start with the letter T


1.The type of HGT where naked DNA is taken up into the cell
3.An insertion sequence only has one gene, the one that encodes for the _________, which is the enzyme that moves the transposon
7.A mobile segment of DNA, it encodes a protein that can move the whole segment of DNA to another place in the cell by a type of recombination
8.When the ribosome moves over one codon on the mRNA so that the uncharged tRNA in the P site moves to the E site, the tRNA with the growing polypeptide in the A site moves to the P site, leaving the A site empty
9.(2 words) The type of HGT that does not require homologous recombination in order to be successful
13.The joining of amino acids in a peptide bond; when the amino acid chain in the P site is bound to the new amino acid attached to the tRNA in the A site
14.(abbreviation) Carries amino acids to the ribosome during protein synthesis
15.The type of HGT where a bacteriophage introduces a piece of chromosomal DNA into a bacterial cell
16.During transcription, RNA polymerase starts at the promoter and ends at the ____.
17.A phenolic that used to be commonly added to antibacterial soaps (but has been banned by the FDA)
18.In gene expression (DNA to protein), the process through which the polypeptide is made
1.(2 words) Microbes found on and in the body that are more easily lost than those that permanently colonize the host
2.Three enzymes in an HIV virion are integrase, protease, and reverse _______.
4.(3 words) The amount of time it takes to kill all organisms in a population under specific conditions
5.The ability to make toxins
6.a mosquito biting a person and infecting them with a microbial pathogen is an example of biological __________.
7.(2 words) The strand of DNA that is read by RNA polymerase during transcription
9.An inactive part of a toxin used in a vaccine
10.mRNA serves as the _______ during translation, and rRNA plus proteins forms the structure of the ribosomes.
11.A normal cell converting to become cancerous
12.In gene expression, the process by which RNA is made
14.The condition of having toxins in the blood

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