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FFA Competitions Crossword



3.This LDE is an individual event. The event is developed to help participants in their current job search for part-time and full-time employment. (2 Words)
5.This CDE helps students develop skills in dairy cattle selection and herd management. Participants evaluate the cattle’s physical characteristics, explain their various classes and analyze a herd record as a team. (2 Words)
6.Students develop the skills needed for careers in the meat animal industry. During the event, members complete a evaluate beef carcasses for quality and yield grade, identify various meat cuts and place carcasses, and identify wholesale and/or retail cuts. (2 Words)
12.Student skills are tested in aspects of maintaining landscape plants and related products, evaluating equipment and services, and landscape design. (2 Words)
13.This LDE tests students’ knowledge of parliamentary law through a fourphase competition: parliamentary presentation, oral questions, written test, and the presentation of written minutes. (3 Words)
19.This CDE provides opportunities for FFA members to demonstrate their skills in electrical wiring, critical thinking, and communications. (2 Words)
21.Agricultural Technology and Equipment Career Development Event is a team event with three parts: Skill Practicum/Problem Solving Activity, Tool/Equipment/Part Identification and Multiple Choice Written Exam
23.During the Parli Pro LDE, teams conduct a mock chapter meeting to demonstrate their knowledge of basic parliamentary law and the correct use of parliamentary procedures. (2 Words)
25.FFA members in this CDE will study soil characteristics, land capability classification as well as land treatment practices. Students will develop a knowledge of soils while determining agricultural land use and land treatment practices. (2 Words)
26.This Career Development Event is an activity that provides opportunities for FFA members to demonstrate their technical and management skills relating to wildlife, habitat, and harvesting regulations. (2 Words)
27.Student skills are tested in the production, processing, and marketing of chickens, turkeys, processed poultry products and eggs. (2 Words)
28.Participants in this CDE will complete a written exam, a problem solving activity and demonstrate lawnmower maintenance / driving. (2 Words)
29.Participants will evaluate breeding and market cattle, swine, sheep and goats. Contestants will also present oral reasons on selected classes to defend their selection decisions. (2 Words)
30.Participants in this CDE will evaluate both conformation and performance of a variety of horse breeds. Contestants will also present oral reasons on selected classes to defend their selection decisions. (2 Words)
1.This team event is designed to develop the skills that are necessary to be successful in sales. These include communication skills, product knowledge, sales process, and maintaining customers. (2 Words)
2.This CDE is an individual event with three parts: written exam, problems and solutions, practical driving test (4 Words)
4.This CDE is patterned after the National Farm Bureau Young Farmer Discussion Meet. Students discuss topics in a way that leads to constructive ideas and problem solving. (2 Words)
7.This individual events is designed for FFA members to develop, practice and demonstrate skills in teaching agricultural education. (2 Words)
8.Students who participate in this CDE demonstrate their skills in diagnosing forest disorders, managing forests and forest inventory and applying approved silviculture practices.
9.This 4-person team event helps students prepare for careers in journalism, radio and TV broadcast, web design, marketing and more. (2 Words)
10.This CDE is a team event designed to develop an understanding of the marketing plan process, and to allow students to explore and prepare for possible careers in agri-marketing. (2 Words)
11.Participants in this LDE present a speech they prepare in the allowed time to a panel of judges. Once their presentation is complete, they respond to questions from the judges and are scored individually by each judge. (2 Words)
14.During this LDE, students write and deliver a six- to eight-minute speech about a current agriculture-related topic. (3 Words)
15.Participants in this event take a written examination and finalists answer oral questions from the event superintendent. (2 Words)
16.This CDE present their presentation of the FFA Creed before a panel of judges. (2 Words)
17.This CDE helps students develop business management skills and learn to apply economic principles to agriculture and agribusiness (3 Words)
18.This CDE will test students’ knowledge and skill in various aspects of the Veterinary Science industry. The team event includes identification of equipment, parasites and animal breeds, as well as a handling and restraining practicum, a clinical procedure practicum, and a written exam involving knowledge of the veterinary science field. (2 Words)
20.Individual and team activities include a national and global issues interview, environmental and natural resources problem solving, soil tests and profiles, air and water analysis, GPS use, waste management and more.
22.Participants identify plants, judge flower arrangements and solve problems. Students also demonstrate skills in flower arranging, propagation and preparation of floral and foliage products for sale.
24.This CDE is designed to stimulate student interest in future agricultural education curriculum and FFA activities. (2 Words)

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