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Famous Advertising Slogans


This months puzzle is composed of famous advertising slogans used in advertising. For example, “Have it your Way, Have it you way” would require the solution “BURGERKING”. Finally, all the T.V. time proves good for something...

1 2
3         4      
5 6 7    
      8     9              
        10   11
15 16             17  
20                             21
  22     23          

3.M'm M'm Good.
8.I can't believe I ate the whole thing!
12.The Greatest Show on Earth.
13.So Creamy it's almost fattening.
15.Reach out and touch someone.
18.Good to the last drop
20.They're GREAT!
23.Diamonds are forever
24.The Ultimate driving machine.
1.The un-Cola
2.It's Everywhere you want to be.
4.It keeps going and going and going. . .
5.You deserve a break today.
6.Ancient Chinese Secret Huh?
7.You'll love the way we fly!
9.Don't leave home without it.
10.When there's no tomorrow.
11.Head for the mountain.
14.The best a man can get.
16.Oh What a feeling!
17.Breakfast of Champions
19.That frosty mug sensation.
20.Quality is job 1!
21.The Document Company
22.Solutions for a small planet.

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