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Mottos and Capitals of Canada

Mottos and capitals of Canada

1 2 3
4   5     6 7          
            8 9
    11                 12  
16     17   18

6.Nunavut Sanginivut (Nunavut, our strength) capital
10.Splendor Sine Occasu (Splendour without diminishment) place
11.Fortis et Liber (Strong and Free) place
13.Splendor Sine Occasu (Splendour without diminishment) capital
15.Munit Haec et Altera Vincit (One defends and the other conquers) place
19.Quaerite Prime Regnum Dei (Seek ye first the Kingdom of God) place
20.Gloriosus et Liber (Glorious and free) place
21.Multibus E Gentibus Vires (From many peoples strength) capital
22.Quaerite Prime Regnum Dei (Seek ye first the Kingdom of God) capital
23.A Mari usque ad Mare (From Sea to Sea) capital
24.Nunavut Sanginivut (Nunavut, our strength) place
1.Gloriosus et Liber (Glorious and free) capital
2.Parva Sub Ingenti (The small under the protection of the great) place
3.Parva Sub Ingenti (The small under the protection of the great) capital
4.Spem Reduxit (Hope was restored) place
5.Munit Haec et Altera Vincit (One defends and the other conquers) capital
7.Je me souviens (I remember) capital
8.Multibus E Gentibus Vires (From many peoples strength) place
9.A Mari usque ad Mare (From Sea to Sea) place
12.Ut Incepit Fidelis Sic Permanet (Loyal she began, loyal she remains) capital
14.Spem Reduxit (Hope was restored) capital
16.Ut Incepit Fidelis Sic Permanet (Loyal she began, loyal she remains) place
17.Fortis et Liber (Strong and Free) capital
18.Je me souviens (I remember) place

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