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Algebra and Whole Numbers

Ms. Ivelisse Melendez

4 basic algebraic operations

1       2     3          
  6         7  
  9                 10  
13                     14                  
  15 16    
    17   18 19               20
22                       23                
  25                 26                

1.number thyat is used to divide
3.number to be added
5.result of addition
6.numbers in a multiplication statement
9.use both numbers and letters to show relations between quantities
12.operation that gives the same result as repeated addition
13.study of properties of numbers using 4 basic operations
14.number sentence that usually includes opeations variables and numbers
18.result of subtraction
21.wxpress in a form that is equal to the original
22.math sentence that includes operations and numbers
24.parts of an expression separated by operation signs
25.to find the numerical value of an algebraic expression
26.math processes of addition, subtraction,multiplication and division
2.operation of taking one number away from another
3.math sentence that include at least one operation and a variable
4.result of division
7.amount left over when dividing
8.operation of combining two or more numbers to find a total
10.a sentence that is neither true of false
11.two numbers that form a basic division fact
15.the set of numbers of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6...
16.letter that represents an unknown number
17.the number that is divided
19.opposite or reverse
20.the act or process of approximating an amount or a number
23.result of multiplication

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