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The Wonderful World of Astronomy

Liz Starley

1 2   3    
7 8 9       10          
    11     12
            14 15

2.What evidence is there that life may exist on mars?
4.What process happens in the core of a star?
5.Because of the Doppler Effect, as a star moves _____ from us it's spectra is shifted towards the red.
6.If the universe will eventually collapse on itself, it will be called a _____.
9.Infared,visable, radio, ultra-violet, and x-ray are all different kinds of what?
13.The Big Bang is responsibe for most of the ______in the atmosphere.
16.A space cloud of many gases moving throughout space where stars form is called a _____.
17.A group of stars that really aren't close together is a_____.
1.A system of stars that have more then one sun and include binary stars is called a _____.
3.Because of the Doppler Effect, as a star moves _____from us it's spectra is shifted towards the blue.
7.One peice of evidence for the Big Bang is that we see mostly red shifts.
8.What are two things that earth needs inhabit life?
10.186,000 miles per second is what?
11.If the universe will expand forever, it will be called a _____.
12.Between 13 and 15 billion years ago, all matter and energy were together. Then something happened that caused them to expand and move away from each other. What was this called?
14.What size of star is our sun?
15.A starlike object that sends out radio waves, and are 12 billion lightyears away (this means that we can see into the past) are called what?

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