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Neptune - The Blue Planet

Tyler Robbins

Important Facts About Neptune

2       3
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16                     17
19         20                                                      

2.Neptune is named after the Roman God of the _____
4.Last planet on the other side of Neptune
5.Neptune was discovered by using _______
7.Planet next to Neptune
10.Why Neptune has a blue color
11.Neptune has light ______ around it like Saturn
13.It takes 165 Earth ____for Neptune to go past the sun
16.A bright mark on the surface of Neptune
19. Mon Mar 21 14:03:36 2005 Start Mon Mar 21 14:03:36 2005 Finish The _______ 2 was a space ship that took pictures of Neptune
22.There are 13 of these that go around Neptune
23.Neptune's seasons last ______ years
24.Name of one of the moon of Neptune
1.You cannot see Neptune using your ______
2.Another smaller mark on the surface of Neptune
3.If you weighed 100 ______on earth you would weigh 119 _____ on Neptune
6.A year on Neptune is ______than a year on Earth
8.A day on Neptune is _____ hours
9.Neptune is called the ______ planet
12.Name of a picture on Neptune's planet
14.He discovered Neptune
15.Neptune would hold this many Earths inside of it
17.People think dark circles on the planet are caused by winds and ______
18.Neptune is the _____largest of the planets.
20.Neptune is this number from the sun.
21.Neptune is a_______ planet because it is far from the sun

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