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Logical Fallacies


Match the type of logical fallacy with the example that best fits.

Ad hominem or ATTACKING THE PERSON Of course Nixon was guilty in Watergate. Everybody knows that
Ad ignorantium or APPEAL TO IGNORANCE You can't prove there isn't a Loch Ness Monster, so there must be one.
Ad verecundiam or APPEAL TO AUTHORITY John's objections to capital punishment carry no weight since he is a convicted felon
AFFIRMING THE CONSEQUENT If he wants to get that job, then he must know Spanish. He knows Spanish, so the job is his.
AMPHIBOLY In 1972, there was a widely-printed advertisement printed by the Foulke Fur Co., which was in reaction to the frequent protests against the killing of Alaskan seals for the making of fancy furs. According to the advertisement, clubbing the seals was one of the great conservation stories of our history, a mere exercise in wildlife management, because "biologists believe a healthier colony is a controlled colony."
APPEAL TO EMOTION Sports stars selling cars or hamburgers. Or, the actor on a TV commercial that says, "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV."
ARGUMENT FROM ANALOGY or FALSE ANALOGY This must be a great car, for, like the finest watches in the world, it was made in Switzerland.
BEGGING THE QUESTION We can't allow students any voice in decision making on campus; if we do, it won't be long before they are in total control.
SLIPPERY SLOPE Of course the Bible is the word of God. Why? Because God says so in the Bible.
COMMON BELIEF Jim said he saw Jenny walk her dog through the window. Ow! She should be reported for animal abuse

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