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Midterm glossary


Acetylcholine   solution containing the same concentration of salt as that found in the body.
Acetylcholinesterase   the route comprising oral, sublingual, nasogastric, or rectal routes of drug absorption.
Additive   molecules or substance that is attracted to water.
Adrenergic agents   It plays a crucial role in reducing alveolar surface tension and preventing alveolar collapse
adrenergic receptors  agents that induce vomiting.
aerosol   equally divided portions
aerosol therapy   nerves that carry impulse away from the brain and spinal cord. Also known as motor nerves.
afferent nerves  labored or difficult breathing.
afterload   drug that binds to its receptor without activating it.
agonist   also known as cholinesterase; the enzyme that deactivates acetylcholine.
aliquot  excessive discharge of respiratory tract secretions.
alpha receptors  narrowing of the bronchioles due to contraction of the smooth muscle surrounding the airways.
antagonist   aerosol particles falling out or "raining out" of suspension.
antiadrenergics   the phenomenon of increasing incidence of and mortality from asthma in recent years despite a better understanding of the pathophysiology and improved drugs for treatment of asthma.
anticholinergic  the long-term process of decreasing the sensitivity of to because of a reduction in the number of receptors
antigen  the chemical neurotransmitter of skeletal muscles, the preganglionic sites of both the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system, and the postganglionic sites of the parasympathetic nervous system.
asthma paradox  describing two drugs whose sum effect when given together is equal to the effect from each given separately but at the same time.
autonomic nervous system   foreign material that stimulates the immune and inflammatory response
beta-agonist   adrenergic receptors found in renal tissue that, when stimulated, relax the renal arteries and therefore increase renal perfusion.
beta receptors   agents that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system.
beta 1 receptors   the nervous system that controls the involuntary responses; divided into the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches.
beta 2 receptors   narrowing of the bronchioles due to swelling, mucus obstruction, or spasm of the smooth muscle of the airway.
bioavailability   the impacting of aerosol particles on airway walls because of inertial energy.
bland aerosol therapy   also called adrenaline, hormone that acts as the circulating neurotransmitter for the sympathetic nervous system
bronchial gland  solution containing a greater concentration of salt than is normally found in the body.
bronchoconstriction older propellant for MDIs; damage the ozone layer and are reactive in some patients, so they are currently banned.
bronchorrhea   the nervous system comprised of the brain and spinal cord.
Bronchospasm  delivery of aerosol particles into the respiratory system for therapeutic purposes.
central nervous system receptors found in the sympathetic nervous system that are divided into and subcategories.
chemical mediators   complex mixture of phospholipids and proteins produced in the lung by the type II pneumocytes.
chlorofluorocarbons   a drug that combines with a and stimulates the activity of that receptor.
cholinergic   vasodilator that mediates inflammation and allergic reactions.
corticosteroid  suspension of liquid or solid particles in a gas.
dependence  substance that improves expectoration of respiratory secretions by increasing the output from the bronchial glands.
deposition  non-medicated aerosol therapy.
desensitization  loss of tissue responsiveness that can occur with drug exposure.
dopamine receptors  receptors of the sympathetic nervous system that include alpha- and beta-receptors.
downregulation referring to the parasympathetic nervous system, where acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter substance at all ganglionic sites.
dyspnea   fraction of drug dose that reaches the systemic circulation.
efferent nerves  replacing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as metered-dose inhalant (MDI) propellants, because they do not damage the ozone layer and are not as reactive in patients.
emetics   elimination of drug that happens afteradministration but before it reaches the systemic circulation.
endogeneous surfactant  one of two main groups of corticosteroids needed for stress response and utilization of carbohydrates, fat, and protein by the body.
endogeneous surfactant  force against which the heart must pump, including tension that develops in the ventricular wall during systole.
enteral route  any steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex.
epinephrine  agents that block the effects of the parasympathetic nervous system.
exogenous surfactant  initiators of the inflammatory process that are released in response to a stimulus.
expectorant  found primarily in the heart when stimulated, they cause an increase in rate and force of contraction.
first-pass effect  produced outside of the patient's own body. They may be obtained from humans or animals or synthesized in the laboratory.
forced expiratory volume  receptors found in the sympathetic nervous system that generally cause vasoconstriction.
formulary   drug use that may result in withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation; symptoms can be psychologic or physiologic
ganglion  solution containing a greater concentration of salt than is normally found in the body.
glucocorticoid  agents that block the effects of the sympathetic nervous system.
half-life  drug that activates its receptor upon binding.
histamine  mucus-producing exocrine glands found in the submucosa. They are stimulated by parasympathetic nerves and secrete a relatively watery fluid.
hydrofluoroalkanes are found primarily in the lungs; when stimulated, they cause bronchodilation.
hydrophilic  nerves that carry impulses to the brain and spinal cord. Also known as sensory nerves.
hypertonic  nerve cell body outside of the brain and spinal cord.
hypotonic  volume in 1 second pulmonary function test that measures the volume of air forcefully exhaled in one second.
inertial impaction  time it takes for the drug concentration to fall to 50% in the body.
isotonic  list of drugs stocked by the pharmacy

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