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available wholly unharmed, not injured
cater to make slow, delay, hold back
customary usual, expected, routine
dissuade to apply oil or grease; to make smooth, slippery or easier to use
entrepreneur an easily spread disease causing a large number of deaths; a widespread evil,to annoy or bother
firebrand ready to use, at hand
hazard to throw a stream of things; to strike sucessively; to hurry
homicide absolutely necessary, not to be neglected
indifference a person wo starts up and takes on the risk of a business
indignant filled with resentment or anger over something unjust, unworthy, or mean
indispensable a piece of burning wood, a troublemaker, an extremely energetic or emotional person
lubricate the killing of one person by another
mutual ballanced, suspended; calm, controlled; ready for action
pelt risk, peril,to expose to danger or harm; to gamble
plague allowing light to pass through; easily recognized or understood; easily seen through or detected
poised to persuade not to do something
regime to satisfy the needs of, trying to make things easy and pleasant, to supply food and service
retard a lack of interest or concern
transparent shared, felt, or shown equally by two or more
unscathed a government in power; a form or system of rule or management; a period of rule

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