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poetry terms


this is the list for your final test

similie repeating similar sounds at the start of words
metaphor pair of lines in a poem same length and usually rhyme
hyperbole a single line of poetry
aliteration comparison not using like or as
antithesis words that have opposite meanings
carpe diem words that imitate sounds like bark or bang
consonance comparing using like or as
couplet seize the day
free verse repeating similar consenant sounds at words end
haiku exaggeration of some element of the story
limerick giving a non human thing human traits
meter funny poem with aabba scheme
onomatopoiea japanese poetry type with three lines of set syllables
stanza  can be rhymed or not but does not have set meter
verse the rhythm of a poem
rhyme similar sounds at the end of words
personifcation two or more lines in a poem which form its division

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