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Factors Affecting Physical Activity (Elderly)

George & Alexandra

Your task is to match the common excuses for physical activity with ways elderly people can overcome their excuses.

I don't have the time. Most health problems can be helped by activity. Talk to your doctor - they may be able to write an 'activity prescription' for you.
I'm too tired. You don't have to play sport to be active, try gardening, dancing, walking or exercise to music.
I have a health problem and exercise might make it worse. You are never too old - there is always something you can do.
I'm too old. If you walk or swim it is unlikely you will get injured.
I've never been the sporty type.  Make it a priority, make time. Get into a routine. Take every chance you can to be active, even if it's only for a few minutes - do exercises while waiting for the kettle to boil or while watching TV.
I might get injured. Once you get started, you will have more energy and feel less tired.

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