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Marketing Environment

Raju Rathipelli @ RK Business School, Hyderabad

surroundings Political
Controllable factors Cultural
A business organization that makes, buys, or sells goods or provides services in exchange for money Company
Opponents in business Macro environment
Uncontrollable factors Competitor
Is a person or entity that is the source for goods or services  Economic
A person that acts as a messenger between two people or groups of people  Microenvironment
A business that provides similar products or services  Competitors
Communal Intermediary
A person who buys goods or services  Natural
Factors such as age, race, sex, and economic status, level of education, income level and employment, among others  Demographic
Is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services  Technological
Products or services not made or caused by humankind Customer
Create new products and market opportunities  Environment
Dealing with the structure or affairs of government  Supplier
Is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, etc.,  Public

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