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Key Terms: Goals & Decisions

Ivy Muller

Write the correct number of the definition beside the key word.

1.Goal Containing a date when a goal will be reached.
2.Specific The realitive improtance of a persons places on a value, goal, or alternative.
3.Measurable A figure that can be objectively assesed.
4.Attainable A measure of quanity or excellence.
5.Realistic In keeping with reality, likely to happen.
6.Time-Bound A reason in favor of an option; a potential benifit.
7.Alternative Related to the traditions, beliefs, roles, and communication styles of a group.
8.Pro An option or choice.
9.Con Something a person intends to aquire, or reach.
10.Impulse Something someone desires, not a requirement.
11.Habit Able to be reached.
12.Cultural A fundemental belief about what is desirable and worthwhile.
13.Societal Print, sound, and image channels through infromation can be conveyed.
14.Demographic Related to all people.
15.Economic Products, resourses, and systems used for specfic purposes.
16.Technology A whim or sudden desire to do something.
17.Media Related to the state of the economy, the finacial balance of a population.
18.Legal Related to a sense of right and wrong.
19.Moral Related to the law.
20.Need Exact, clearly stated.
21.Want A reason in opposition to an option.
22.Value A learned behavior that is repeated over and over.
23.Standard Statisical data about population.
24.Priority Something one must have in order to live.

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