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everyday experiences

Sarah Hulme

A matching puzzle on children learning from everyday experiences and how adults support this.

Cooking This everyday experience helps children to learn about putting things away.
Bathing During this activity adults can talk about patterns and clours.
Walking to the park This subject is in almost everything. it involves counting, shapes and numbers.
Going shopping Childen can learn about food from around the world.
Writing a list You can make hot or cold food to eat.
Having a meal This involves literacy and makes sure you don't forget things.
Getting dressed You can talk about the things you see
Maths Children will learn about hygiene.
Tidying up This is a family activity where parents can talk to their children about the day.
Going to the doctors Adults do this by keeping an eye on the child and checking toys for broken pieces.
Keeping children safe This experience helps children learn about health.

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