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Ms V

A game-like way of reviewing information on the above-stated topic

1communication _____This LS can be used to demonstrate or simulate processes
2LSM _____A function of LSM
3Constructivism _____This is an important indicator of the most appropriate LSM
4Diagrams _____Any artifact used to support explanation of concepts and ideas in a learning experience
5Website _____This LS can be used to show the relationships of different components of an article
6Charts _____This is very effective in demonstationg how something actually works.
7Handouts _____The process of exchanging information and ideas, and expressingfeelings and attitudes
8Realia _____These provide additional references and information for a topic
9Computer / Internet _____A teaching approach that empowers learners to formulate their own interpretation of content presented
10Working Model _____The component of the lesson plan that determines the selection of LMS
11Enhancing students' task-orientation _____This LS provides 'living' examples of the content under review
12Learning Objective _____This learning resource is usually accompanied by images, audio and links to other related content
13Learning activities _____These can reduce the effectiveness of LSM
14Copyright _____This learning resource facilitates making comparisons and viewing patterns and trends in data
15Inadequate preparation and presentation _____Legal protection of original intellectual property - visual, print, audio, electronic

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