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3rd Grade Test on March 18,2015


1.rocky having style:FASHIONABLE
2.foolish medical or surgical care
3.rainy the act of shipping
4.childhood not active,noisy,or busy
5.selfish showing or resulting from lack of good sense
6.treatment 2LIVING3
7.movement taking care of onlyyour own needs and feelings without thought for others
8.neighborhood being frm and making a sharp sound when chewed or crushed
9.childish the people living near one another
10.parenthood of,like,or thought to be suitable to children
11.crunchy the act of giving out or assigning
12.bumpy moneygiven to pay a debt
13.payment the period of life between infancy and youth
14.sleepy the state of being a mother or father
15.shipment an emtying of waste matter from the bowels
16.assignment full of or consisting of rocks
17.livelihood a person's physical surrounding
18.stylish having much rain
19.environment  responsible for having done wrong
20.guilty having or covwered with bumps

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