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Anna Jarvis video vocab


This is vocabulary from the YouTube video about Anna Jarvis

Lamented taking something for granted, supposing
stained glass  treating specially
focal point to show great respect for
floral wallpaper  making money off of something
authentic flower designs on wall coverings
rescind a mess, all broken down
distraught a small room used for worship, part of a church
resolution mentally crazy, upset
commercialization the center of attention
inspired real
assumption cleanliness
sanitary conditions large paintings on walls or ceilings
murals a place devoted to a saint or important person
antiques mourned for
restoration project painted glass used in church windows
shrine to repeal, to invalidate, to stop (like a law)
distinction fixing up a house or something
to honour a law
florist a flower-seller
shambles valuable, old furniture
chapel  filled with feeling

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