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Marketing 321 Test:1

Marie Quinn

Marketing 321 Test #1

Consumption Process (CIP) The scientific study of how consumers seek, evaluate, consume and dispose of products and services
Experiential Model Strength or intensity of the relationship between buyer or seller
Connectedness sensing, organizing, reacting
Psychology of the consumer Purposeful allocation of information processing capacity towards the stimulus
Underlying business philosophy messages bypass conscious recognition, evaluation and communication directly to the unconscious level of drives, emotions and desire
Consumer behavior formula Personality traits; individual differences
Consumer Behavior  Based on effect not logic
Personality of the consumer congntion: the thinking consumer; Affect: the feeling consumer
Social and cultural influences The stronger or more intense an initial stimulus the greater additional intensity necessary for the secondary stimulus to be perceived as being different
Situational influences A consumers absolute threshold to a stimulus will change as the number of exposures to that stimulus increases
Utilitarian value  Unique to a time, unique to a place
Hedonic value The minimal difference that can be detected between two similar stimuli
Marketing concept (4 pillars) The smallest amount of change in a stimulus that will influence consumer consumption and choice
The consumption process  Bringing a stimulus within the 5 senses of the consumer
Consumer memory Exposure, attention, comprehension
Subliminal perception The value is emotional; value is provided by experience
JND and weber's law need recognition, search for alternatives, evaluations of alternatives, decision, post decision evaluation
Just meaningful difference (JMD) The consumers initial exposure to a stimulus often an unconscious initial reception of a stimulus
Just noticeable difference (JND) The lowest level at which an individual can sense a stimulus
Sensory adaption the consumers attempt to derive meaning from the information presented
Absolute Threshold The product or service provides a solution or helps the consumer complete a task
Reacting  Market focus (segmentation), customer orientation, long term profitability (crm), cross functionality
Organizing Mutual satisfaction of company and customer needs
Sensing social norms are learned; other people influence our decisions
Perceptual process (from consumers perspective) Physical and mental responses to the stimuli we sense and organize
Comprehension  Sensory store, working memory, long term store
Attention B= F (P,E)
Exposure Brain categorizes sensory info into something recognizable. Assimilation:stimulus has readily recognizable characteristics. Accommodation: stimulus similar to existing schema. Contrast:unique stimulus not readily charactorized
The perceptual process (from marketers perspective) Need, want, exchange, cost and benefits, reaction, value

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