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1apothecary _____to speak clearly
2tacit _____clung to
3evasion _____causing upset stomach
4provocation _____quarrelsome
5malevolent _____a brief stay
6piety _____strength, skill, courage
7obliged _____one who prepares and sells medicines
8cleaved _____religious devotion
9articulate _____unspoken; understood without being expressed
10prowess _____a winged, chubby angel
11unfathomable _____the act of avoiding or escaping
12nauseating _____difficult to understand
13cherub _____physically weak, usually from age
14feeble _____causing aggravation
15abberation _____to discover with certainty
16contemporaries _____a deviation from the norm
17contentious _____having hatred
18sojourn _____those who live at the same time as you
19embalming _____treating with preservatives
20ascertain _____to HAVE to do something; obligated

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