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Green Roofs to Rescue the City

Claudia and Deicy Eraso

1. Flooding  m. The structure that covers the top of a building or house.
2. Ceiling  h. It is a densely populated urban area with a low standard of living.
3. Root j. Something that is possible and practical to do it.
4. Carbon footprint b.The upper interior surface of a room.
5 Radish  d.A set of greenhouse emissions caused by an individual.
6. Green roof  c.It is a part of the plant that grown into the earth to get water, food and holds the plant firm in the ground.
7.Crops  f. A roof covered with plants or vegetation.
8. Slum  a. A situation in which an area is covered with water, especially from rain.
9. Seeds  n. A ​plant of ​large, ​green ​leaves, ​eaten ​raw in ​salads
10. Feasible g. It is a plant or plant product that can be grown and harvested for profit or subsistence.
11.Greenery  k. All plants and vegetables
12. Livability l. All the factors that integrate a community’s quality.
13. Roof  e. It is a vegetable. It can be red, purple or black. It can be eaten in salads.
14. Lettuce i. Small units of a plant that usually reproduce another plant.

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